The Cheerleaders Are Ready to Start the Season
Freshman Ella Thompson flies high in a stunt. The cheer team’s new season has started. “We know that we’re good and we have the difficulty we need but I think it’s just a mindset we need to work on,” senior Carly Snellen said. Photo Credit: Kristina Neeff
Ready to charge up.
The cheer team is starting their competitive season.
The team is preparing for their new season with new goals in mind. With new members and new challenges, the cheerleaders are ready to work this out and get to work. This season will be different for them compared to last year, but they are ready to get started.
This season brings new competition. “I’m looking forward to our biggest competition Nationals in Orlando. That’s always something you work so hard for and then when you do it, it’s just something you always look forward to in the season,” Coach Brooke Stivers said. Stivers has been coaching the team for 2 years. Nationals is one of the biggest cheer competitions a team can compete in and it is usually the end goal for a team.
It might be the start of the team’s competitive season but the practices have been taking place since summer. “I think we’re looking good, but we’ve had the time to make ourselves look good. We still need a little bit of work to just get there, if you understand. We just need to put in that extra work to get and stay on top,” senior Payton Waterbury said. The team has time before their next competitive performance to continue to perfect their routine.
The team was in the medium division last season but this year they were placed in the large division due to how many cheerleaders are competing. “I expect genuine hard work, we’ve been super successful in the past, winning nationals, and state titles over and over again, and I feel like we need to continuously see that hard work through the season,” Stivers said. This is a change for the cheerleaders for this new season but they are not letting this interrupt their work.
The next competition the cheerleaders have is Dec. 4 at Bullitt Central High School.