All the Hard Work Finally Pays Off for the Band
The band plays their best at their performance. At their most recent competition, the band placed first in their class. “It was really exciting for easy, even if it was later in the season,” senior color guard member Ellen Bray said. Photo Credit: Raegan Jackson
Marching into victory.
The marching band placed first in their class at Campbell County Highschool on Oct. 8.
The band placed not only first in their class but also won Best Percussion, Best General Effect, Best Auxilary and Best Music. The team’s next competition will be in two weeks which means they have quite a break. They hope to place as well as they did at this recent competition at their next performance.
This season, this is the first time the band has placed first in their class and has won every category in the class as well. “Not going to lie, it was a little expected for us. We knew that this year was not a year we were going to win a lot and it was going to take time to build us up again but I think this is good for our newer members,” senior color guard member Alyssa Hayes said.
Due to fall break, the band will have some time off and will skip a weekend until their next competitive performance. This means the band will also miss a week of important practice time. “When we come back we really just have to be prepared and ready to go in full gear,” senior color guard member Ellen Bray said. Long breaks for the band don’t happen frequently with the competitive schedule they have to have throughout the year and with all of their practices. Breaks aren’t a bad thing for a band but sometimes it means they might have to do some catching up.
Once fall break is over, the band will have to start practicing hard because their next performance will be at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is quite an experience for the band since they have never performed anywhere quite as big in their current season. “It’s going to be something that’s really exciting and kind of an awakening to the band,” Hayes said. The band hopes to place well in this competition as it will be their biggest yet.
The band’s next football performance will be on Oct. 28 and their next competition performance will be on Oct. 21.