Charged Media Solutions New Partnership with Busy Lady Quilt Shop

Charged Media Solutions has started a partnership with the Busy Lady Quilt Shop. To gain more viewers, the Busy Lady Quilt Shop has entered the Jaftex Video Challenge. “That’s my biggest goal, is to get the word out to everybody that I’m here,” Jennifer Carter, the owner of Busy Lady Quilt Shop, said.
The quilting never stops.
Charged Media Solutions has partnered with the Busy Lady Quilt Shop to help grow its audience online.
Charged Media Solutions is a newer program that is starting to gain more partnerships as the school year begins. The Busy Lady Quilt Shop is a place that has recently partnered with Charged Media Solutions. The partnership has already helped the Busy Lady Quilt Shop with a video advertisement for the Jaftex Video Challenge.
Charged Media Solutions is a new media company that produces physical and digital content for our community in the city or in the school. The program started in the 2021-2022 school year and is continuing to grow throughout the community with its business partnerships. Senior Lilly Reid is currently the President of Charged Media Solutions and Reid and her staff have helped start this partnership with Busy Lady Quilt Shop. Charged Media Solutions has already planned advertisement projects to help the Busy Lady Quilt Shop grow and be able to get the word out about them.
The Busy Lady Quilt Shop has been around for a while but Jennifer Carter, the owner of the Busy Quilt Lady Shop, had bigger plans for her shop and just needed some help to do it. “The biggest thing is exposure on the internet like Youtube exposure and Facebook, and just the marketing and media kind of thing,” Carter said. The Busy Lady Quilt Shop is open to what the Charged Media Solutions staff has planned to get more customers from online advertisements.
The most recent project that the Charged Media Solutions team has helped the Busy Lady Quilt Shop with was entering the Jaftex Video Challenge. The video gives an overview of her business and shows the setup of her shop as she talks about the classes she holds at her shop and the quilting kits she sells. “I’ve been needing some help with this whole video thing and this is perfect for the Charged Media Solutions group, so it just worked out great,” Carter said. The video is posted on the Busy Lady Quilt Shop’s Facebook, @BusyLadyQuiltShop. The link to the post is