Big Changes Are Happening
As the need for a bigger high school continues to grow, Bullitt East is renovating and obtaining Old Mill Elementary. “I think it will be positive,” Principal Chris Mason said.
Big plans.
Bullitt East plans on renovating, obtaining and expanding Old Mill Elementary to be part of the high school, including expanding the fine arts department.
The new Old Mill will feature a new auditorium and new classrooms. The current building of Bullitt East will also get a renovation, focusing on expanding the cafeteria. The two buildings will connect, leading to a new effective traffic pattern.
Current Principal, Chris Mason, anticipates the new changes that are to come. “There is going to be a connection between the two buildings, making it one big building. The main entrance will be between the buildings. There will also be an auditorium that seats around 500 people, so we can have individual class meetings or performances by our drama or choir departments. There will also be new band, choir, drama, art and HAVPA classrooms, and classrooms that will include classes that are already happening here now,” Mason said.
Not only will Old Mill be getting a renovation, but the current building of Bullitt East will as well. “We’re going to get a renovation to our cafeteria, so we can fit everyone into one cafeteria and we won’t be seeing people in the lobby,” Mason said. “Main Hall will actually be on the back of first, second, and third hall. The principal’s, counselors and secretaries offices will be between the two buildings,” Mason said.
Addressing many concerns, Mason believes that they have a cool transportation plan in the works. “There is going to be a back entrance also, so when parents drop their kids off, they’re dropping them off back at the dungeon, and they’ll exit through the softball or soccer fields. That way when buses are parked at the current Old Mill parking lot, then students will have more parking spots that we are picking up,” Mason said. Mason believes that this change will help with traffic flow and gain a positive response from the community.
Theatre teacher, Dan Barrett, is excited about this new change. “It’s very exciting. We’ve been rallying for that as a faculty probably for 25 years, back to Miss Chandler,” Barrett said. The thought of growing the fine arts department has been discussed many times throughout the years, but due to budget cuts, the school was unable to make it happen. Barrett said that he remains hopeful for this idea to finally be brought to life.
By expanding the department, Barrett believes it will get more students interested in the arts. “The idea of, if you build it, they’ll come. There is a lot of history to support that because facilities do generate interest. I do think that it would be an immediate impact on enrollments for our arts departments,” Barrett said. He also believes that it would help build a program that has struggled during the expansion of pathways.
With the population growth in the community, Bullitt East looks to adjust and provide for the chargers.