The Start to a Hopefully Undefeated Season
The team practices their latest work to prepare for their first show. The team has prepared with multiple practices earlier in the season to improve their work. “We really just want to make sure we get our work perfect before we perform,” junior winterguard member Skylar Braden said.
Spinning back into action.
The 2022 winterguard season is starting up.
After a full year of break, the winterguard team is ready to start competing again. The team is looking forward to this season and has high hopes for the show. In the past years since a winterguard team was created, the team has been known for being undefeated and hopes to live up to their title again this year.
Although the marching band season in 2020 was allowed to continue, the winterguard season was not. The team had that time off and couldn’t compete until restrictions lightened and more competitions were allowed. “I’m really excited to get the season back up because we didn’t get a winterguard season last year,” junior winterguard member Skylar Braden said. This year, competitions are allowed and there are fewer restrictions, letting there be more options for a somewhat normal season.
The team is excited for the season this year, especially about the show theme of Wizard of Oz. For the show, many different solos are being offered as the characters which the team is looking forward to. “I’m very excited for us, each having kind of personalized costumes, I think that makes this show more personable, and people are able to connect with it more,” junior winterguard member Lily Newton said. These solos are something new that the last shows from the team haven’t had before and will hopefully bring a positive reaction from the audience as it did with the team.
When the winterguard first started competing after the team was created, they did very well with winning in all of their competitions. The members hope to continue that streak this year even after the break from last year. “I just really hope we do well placement wise because the past couple of seasons we’ve been undefeated so I really hope we can keep that title,” Braden said. The team shares her thoughts and are excited about what they can do this season and hope to have a good run.