Charged Media Solutions: The Interns Behind The Content

The Charged Media Solutions logo.
Never seen anything like it before.
There has never really been anything like Charged Media Solutions ever seen before by Bullitt East High School.
Charged Media Solutions is a group of nine students who are experienced in Adobe programs who help the school and community with particular projects. President Senior Keelin Davis is the leader of the group, organizing projects and overseeing operations. The other eight students in the class have also helped create many other things such as t-shirts, logos, posters and more.
The group of Charged Media Solutions consists of:
President: Senior Keelin Davis
Vice President: Senior Avery Smith
Technology Director: Senior Blake Harlamert
Project Manager: Senior Brodie Curtsinger
Artistic Director: Senior Jenna Tipton
Advanced Production Design Liaison: Senior Sophia Blanton
Creative Director: Senior Emma Egan
Marketing Director: Senior Emma Wright
Social Media Director: Junior Marisa Daniel
Secretary/Communications Liaison: Senior Maddie Hurley
The group works very closely with Advanced Production Design, another class run under the supervision of teacher Larry Steinmetz. The group also runs their own social media. The handles are as follows:
Instagram: @chargedmediasolutions
Twitter and Facebook: @chargedms
Davis’ favorite thing about getting to the President of Charged Media Solutions is the uniqueness. “I think it’s very unique to get to be President. I get to have that experience that I will need for being in the real world someday, and I feel like I’m a natural born leader, and I feel like I’m meant to do this role,” Davis said, “I love the opportunity to be able to just create new content and learn how to use all the different programs because the more I do this, the more that I really know that I want to do this in the real world. I love the communication with everybody and getting to work with everybody, and their different skill sets.” As much as Davis enjoys being the President of Charged Media Solutions, he is also just honored to be a member of Charged Media Solutions as an overall.
The opportunity means a lot to Davis, with it really being all that he focuses on, to some extent. “It means a lot. It’s a lot more engaging than any other opportunity you get at school, like some of our other pathways and they get to do that stuff, but this is the real workplace environment, where you get to be a team and lead people and do all kinds of freelancing projects. So, I would just say it means a lot. This is the most I’ve ever cared about something in school,” Davis said, “I would say all the different opportunities that we have, is what keeps me motivated to work. There’s so much you can do with the Adobe programs; you can create magazines, videos, graphics, and stuff like that. There’s just so many opportunities, there’s always something that you can do or teach yourself how to do.” Some of the stuff that keeps Davis going in the group of Charged Media Solutions are things such as the opportunities of getting to work with the Adobe programs.
Some of Davis’ favorite projects that he has worked on are projects such as the Male football posters they made, and the trailers they’re currently creating for their YouTube channel. “I’d say the first one is definitely the red football posters. That’s been some of the most fun all year; getting the photoshoots and everything. Just coming up with such a simple idea that everyone ended up loving; that was really cool, and putting up those posters out and seeing all the feedback we got was really cool. Also, the Veterans Day video, because that was such a big project that was thrown into our face super quickly. I basically had to teach myself Adobe Premiere and we had to send out teams to get interviews in a very short time span,” Davis said, “Just seeing how we grow is what I’m looking forward to for the future, and whenever everyone starts to learn more programs and stuff, we can create content a lot faster, because the more we get stuff out, we can produce more content, and it’ll become better.” Something that Davis is looking forward to happening in the future of Charged Media Solutions is just seeing how much everyone improves.
Smith’s favorite thing about getting to the Vice President of Charged Media Solutions is just the opportunity to get to make decisions for such a group of people. “It’s really cool to be able to make decisions, and have a leadership role in that. It’s just super important, and I think it’s something that we can carry really far, and be able to get our ideas out, and just be able to lead a group into something that’s really good for entrepreneurship and stuff like that,” Harlamert said, “It’s a really interesting opportunity and something you don’t get to experience as a normal high school student, and it lets you open doors and explore a career path. I’ve never been able to do much in design, so it just gives me the chance to like to be a part of my community, and explore that.” As much as Smith enjoys being the Vice President of Charged Media Solutions, she is also just honored to be a member of Charged Media Solutions as an overall.
There is a lot of meaning behind Charged Media Solutions in Smith’s opinion, with it truly being a way to grow. “Charged Media Solutions, to me, means a way of growing. It’s a way of just becoming a better leader and a better community member, while being able to do cool and creative things that a normal high school student wouldn’t be able to do,” Smith said, “The learning process and the product you make inspires me a lot, because you go from knowing nothing to knowing a lot, and it just feels good. It feels like a really good accomplishment to have something in your hand, and be able to give it to a client, and just to get their reaction, and just to have it done feels really good.” Some of the stuff that keeps Smith going in the group of Charged Media Solutions are things such as the learning process.
Smith has a few favorite projects that she has gotten to work on, such as the trailer they’re currently creating for their YouTube channel, and her senior poster. “I’m really enjoying this video (the trailers the class is making), even though I haven’t done much with it. I’ve never used Adobe Premiere before, but it’s a really cool process to learn about. I think I really liked working on my senior poster idea, because even though it didn’t get picked, it was still cool because it was the first time I ever really designed something on my own, and it was just really cool to just have a product that I was proud of,” Smith said, “I’m excited to see what we do with Prom, and who we get to work with and just everything we make. Then, in the future, I’m excited to see how it changes from what we have right now, because this is just a building block of what it’ll be in the future which will hopefully be a really huge thing that a lot of people get a part of. That’s also something really cool; we’re just the beginning of something that’s going to be really cool.” Smith is truly looking forward to happening in the future of Charged Media Solutions and just seeing where it goes, even after the team from this year leaves.
Harlamert’s favorite thing about getting to be the Technology Director of Charged Media Solutions is the fact that we live in a world where technology is very important, so he feels he has quite an important role in the class as a whole. “In a world where we’re heavily reliant on technology and a lot of stuff we do involve it, getting to really see into what graphic design is, which plays a part in almost everything we do today. It really shows me a lot of the process of how we are as a society. So, getting to see everything that goes into it, and understanding it a bit deeper is definitely my favorite thing about being Technology Director,” Harlamert said, “My favorite thing about getting to be a part of Charged Media Solutions, just as a whole, is definitely getting to hone my skills, and actually get some real experience that’ll help me whenever I get out of high school, as well as just the whole atmosphere of the entire organization.” Harlamert is also just happy to be a member of Charged Media Solutions as an overall.
Charged Media Solutions truly does mean a lot to Harlamert with how much he’s learning how to do. “Charged Media Solutions, to me, is a place where students can learn how to manage business along with access to different media applications, so that they can leave high school and enter the workforce with a little bit of experience, knowledge and the teamwork skills necessary,” Harlamert said, “A lot of my inspiration definitely comes from my peers, along with seeing some of my favorite things out in the world. We draw a lot of inspiration from sports, like team photoshoots and designs. We also draw a lot of inspiration from other online artists on social media.” Stuff that keeps Harlamert going in the group of Charged Media Solutions, to continue to keep working hard, is stuff like inspiration from other artists from other social medias.
Harlamert definitely has a few favorite projects that he has worked on. “My favorite projects: the first one that we worked on was the Heritage Hill Golf Course t-shirt. That was the first real time that we did something heavy on Adobe Illustrator; that’s one of my favorite’s, because it was something new and it was the first real big project. Some other favorites have been the recent trailers that we’re recording; we haven’t done much with video, so that’s really exciting. Another one of my favorites would definitely be all of the athletic posters and posts that we did,” Harlamert said, “I’m looking forward to getting into work with the community of Bullitt County and Mount Washington, and play an influence into everything that we see on a day-to-day basis.” Harlamert is really looking forward to seeing what happens in the future of Charged Media Solutions while he is there, and he is looking forward to building relationships with the community, as time goes on.
If you ever want to contact Charged Media Solutions to help you design something, you can contact them via their email, at [email protected].