COVID-19 Cases, Vaccinations, and Mask-Wearing Continues To Rise
Sophomore Samantha Gourd sitting without a mask on, working on school work. Gourd was not supposed to wear a mask, going into this school year, like everybody else, considering she was fully vaccinated. “I wouldn’t wear a mask (if there was no mask mandate), because I went through the vaccination process; I don’t have to quarantine, if I’m exposed. I just went through that process and I don’t think I should have to,” said Gourd.
Vaccinated, yet mask mandated.
As of Aug. 9, it was said that all students must wear masks, regardless of their vaccination status.
After doing a poll on Instagram, it came out to be that 47% of people out of the 17 people that responded disliked that they have to wear masks, even though they were vaccinated. The second most would be 29% of the people, who didn’t care about the mask mandate, even for them. While the least out of the three options, would fall to the 24% of people who enjoy the fact that they have to wear masks regardless of vaccination.
Sophomore Samantha Gourd is one of the many people who dislike the mask mandate, with their full vaccination status. “I got the vaccination for a reason. It just doesn’t serve the purpose that it was supposed to serve, for me,” Gourd said, “I don’t think the mask mandate should apply to me too, because I went through that process, I went through the two weeks, and I suffered with the symptoms of it.” Gourd does not feel as if the mask mandate should apply to her as well.
Gourd would say that she got the vaccine for many different purposes, including the fact of not having to wear a mask. “It was a mixture of reasons why. Also, my doctor recommended it hugely,” Gourd said, “Probably would have still gotten the vaccine, because it’s going to be recommended. I’ve heard from someone, like my doctor friends, that it’s going to be recommended sooner rather than later; it’s going to be required.” Gourd would have most likely gotten the vaccine if they knew they would have still had to wear masks.
Gourd would choose not to wear a mask, even though they’re fully vaccinated, if there were no mandate. “I wouldn’t wear a mask if there was no mask mandate, because I went through the vaccination process; I don’t have to quarantine, if I’m exposed. I just went through that process and I don’t think I should have to,” Gourd said, “I don’t think it was the right one, because we’re all going to have to get immune sooner rather than later. We’re all going to have to start wearing masks sooner rather than later. So, it’s just better for us to get immune. Like, my friends in Georgia don’t have to wear masks, at all, and they hardly have any COVID cases.” Gourd feels as if the mask mandate choice by the Board of Education was definitely not the right choice to make.
All students only found out the day before the first day of school that they would have to wear a mask, whether they were vaccinated, or not. “I knew the mask mandate decision was coming, but it was just like: ‘Why do they make us wait that long?’ Especially because we had already gone school shopping, I only had one mask. So, it was a very big shocker,” Gourd said, “I think it’s worth it to get the vaccine, even though I have to wear a mask, because I don’t have to quarantine; so, I still get to be at school.” Gourd believes that it was actually quite worth it to get the vaccination, with them still having to wear masks.
Senior Kyndall Carter who doesn’t really care that they have to wear masks, even though they’re vaccinated.. “I don’t really care about the mask mandate, because I want things to go back to normal, and I’m just ready for normal life, and I’m tired of dealing with everything. So, I feel like wearing a mask is just a simple thing to do,” Carter said, “Personally, I don’t think the mask mandate should apply to me too, but I’m not going to argue with it and I’m not going to fight it. I’m just going to do whatever I have to do.” The mask mandate should actually not apply to Carter, in her own opinion.
Carter would say that she actually didn’t get the vaccine for the purpose of there no longer being a mask mandate for them specifically. “I just got vaccinated because my mom was a nurse, and she makes me and my sister get every vaccination, but I think, either way, I probably would have gotten it just to help everything,” Carter said, “I still would have gotten the vaccine, because my mom would have made me, and because I’m just ready for everything to be over, and anything I can do that will help speed up the process; even if it is something simple like getting to go into school. I’m just ready for it to be back to normal.” Carter would actually have chosen to get the vaccine, if they only knew they would have still have to wear masks, no matter what.
Carter would actually choose not to wear a mask, if there were no mask mandate. “I would not still wear a mask if there were no mandate. I’m not scared of COVID. I feel like our immune systems are back up, and we can fight it off. I’ve known so many people that have gotten the sickness, and have been perfectly fine and if I get it, it’ll just build my immune system more,” Carter said, “I’m kind of unbiased about the mask mandate. I mean, I don’t think it really changes anything, honestly, but I’m not also not going to be one of those people that just argues about everything. I just do what I’m told.” Carter is unbiased when it comes to the board’s decision to bring back the mask mandate.
Carter became quite upset after only finding out the day before the first day of school that they would have to wear a mask, regardless of their vaccination status. “I was so upset, because I was just excited to have a normal school year, my senior year, and coming back to wearing masks sucks, but at least we’re still in school,” Carter said, “I think it’s worth it, to get the vaccine, even though I have to wear a mask, because there’s still other things that you have more freedom to do, and there’s other things that it helps to have the vaccination, and if I do go to travel somewhere, it protects me more than if I didn’t have it, and I don’t have to worry about wearing a mask. I just feel like in the long run, it is worth getting.” Carter believes that it was worth it to get the vaccination, even though they still have to wear masks.
Freshman Bailey Karner is one of the very few people, according to the poll, who actually rather enjoy the mask mandate, even though they’re fully vaccinated. “I enjoy the mask mandate, just so I can be safe and keep everybody else safe, and especially with the new strain of delta, I just want to stay safe,” Karner said, “I think the mask mandate should apply to me too, just because of the new strand of COVID, and since we’re going to be in/person with school with over 1,600 people, and the halls are so crowded.” Karner feels as if the mask mandate should apply to her, as well.
Karner got the vaccine just for the purpose of them no longer having the mask mandate apply to them too. “I got the vaccine so I can travel, stay safe, and just so I didn’t have to wear a mask out in public,” Karner said, “I would have still gotten the vaccine, even if I knew about the masks, just to keep everybody else safe.” Karner would still have gotten the vaccine whether they knew about the continuation of the mask mandate or not.
Karner would not choose to probably wear a mask, even though they’re fully vaccinated, if there were no masks mandated by the Board of Education. “I wouldn’t still wear a mask, even if there were no mandate, just because it’s not required,” Karner said, “Correct decision, for sure, just because I’m sure nobody wants to go back to online school after what happened the last two years.” Karner feels as if the mask mandate choice was actually the correct choice to make.
Karner was actually not that worried after getting such a short notice that they would also have to wear masks as well, just like everybody else. “I planned on wearing a mask anyway, so I wasn’t worried but I know everybody else was pretty mad, because it was such a short notice for the mask mandate,” Karner said, “I do think I would have still gotten the vaccine, even if I still had to wear a mask, just because, even though I am vaccinated, I’m gonna stay even more safe, than just being vaccinated, by wearing a mask.” Although, no matter what, Karner believes that it was worth it for him to get the vaccination, whether there were masks or no masks.