Teachers Are Starting to Get Vaccinated

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This month teachers are starting to get fully vaccinated.
Teachers have started to get their full vaccines. Teachers do have a choice between getting the vaccine or not. As teachers continue to get vaccines, the possibility of getting rid of the A/B Schedule has come up.
As we continue into the later part of the school year, schools are still trying to get things back to normal and a way this is happening is by teachers getting vaccinated. “I’m hoping as people are vaccinated, we can start rebuilding what we’ve lost over the past twelve months. I hope that people also continue to follow health and safety guidelines, as not everyone will be able to be vaccinated for some time,” Nathan Lentz said. As more people continue to get vaccinated it will be easier to start transitioning into a normal life yet again.
With all of the talk about the vaccines happening, there was some confusion on whether teachers are required to get it or if they had a choice. “District leaders encouraged vaccinations, but the decision was up to individuals to do their own research and decide whether they wanted the vaccine or not,” said Lentz. Although most teachers at Bullitt East are probably still getting the vaccine to help the school week get back to normal, they were offered a choice over this.
More and more teachers are continuing to get vaccines and with this action, new information about students coming into school for 4 days a week instead of 2 was released. “I think most students will benefit by getting back to a school-day schedule and having face-to-face interaction with their teachers and peers,” Kristi Tinelli said. Schools are continuing in trying to get everyone to school and get everything back to normal as they can.