Lack of Diversity Creates Hardships For Many

We stand strong and proud but it’s not easy.
Bullitt East is a school that provides great general education and programs to fit what you desire to be in life, but what the school does lack, is diversity and the understanding of students of different races and cultures.
As a school, we need to have deeper discussions on why diversity is important, what teachers can do, and how minorities are and have been affected.
“It should be normalized to talk about diversity and education, about varieties of racial backgrounds to better understand each other’s differences, especially when there are only a handful of colored children in a school,” sophomore Olivia Downey said.
Many schools that are predominantly white-only offer education about different races and cultures within a social studies class. That simply is not enough considering the act of racism is still a huge issue in America right now.
“Having a lack of diversity at East causes minorities to be treated poorly because more racial slurs and bad behavior towards them is accepted by students. We need to be around different people and cultures to make us all more open-minded and respectful to others,” junior Sydney Higdon said. When we’re all open-minded we communicate easier and understand one another.
Student minorities, whether people realize it or not, continue to be disrespected and treated less because of the lack of recognition of different ethnicities and the uneducated students.
“The school should incorporate talking about race, religion, and culture in more classes in clubs. I highly suggest people attend one of the multicultural club meetings and get a better understanding of your classmates’ opinions and a better understanding of them and races,” sophomore Bekkah McMillin said.
The school has recently incorporated another after school club called the multicultural club where students of all races can come and talk about how we can make differences. Very few students know about it, therefore not many changes are being made.
“The cycle of racism will keep going on if we don’t do something now,” sophomore Jordan Pound said. Generation after generation this cycle will repeat in history if it isn’t talked about more often.
Teachers, world leaders, influencers, parents, etc always say change starts with the youth. In order for that to happen kids need more of an education on this subject. With no one willing to do anything or teach anything on the subject, that can’t happen.
“Diversity allows for students like myself to feel welcomed and accepted. It allows for students who aren’t in a minority group to be exposed to different cultures and have more acceptance, preventing prejudice and racism,” sophomore Meisha Keown said.
Many people do realize what a good education can do for you. There are too many young and ignorant people in this world and together we should better ourselves to be able to inform and discuss how we can respect everyone.
“When kids walk in this school and see not many people who look like them, it makes them sad and not want to be at school and be resentful,” Kathrine McMillin said.
Forming allies who are willing to stick up for you or even inform more people about your culture is really hard to find especially in high school. Kids follow what others do and choose to be basic versus unique.
“I think staff members are sometimes blinded by what lack of diversity even is. A lot of the staff coming from the area just simply were not exposed to diversity and have implicit biases that everyone is treated equally and that racism is no longer a thing. Teachers can make a difference by a willingness to learn about systemic racism and diversity across the board. When staff members attend Multicultural club meetings it showcases their willingness to educate themselves on issues related to diversity,” multicultural club leader Trevor Swearingen said.
Teachers are the leaders of the school. Nothing is possible here without them. Therefore minorities rely on them to stand up for them, educate others for them, and teach others how to respect one another.
“The multicultural club makes a difference by simply existing. This club was not around before and its existence showcases the need for this group, the problem that students of color face, and the lack of diversity in this district. It also causes the general public of Bullitt East to question… “What is the multicultural club?” Thus making more students aware. I loved how we were able to spread awareness of black history month this year by hanging up posters. This year I want to expand it and make it better,” Swearingen said.
Small steps just like the multicultural club help in every way possible. Get out, raise your voice, reach out to someone new, ask how you can help, and get informed.