Presidential Debates Leaving Questions Unanswered

The two candidates in this years election.
You ask a question, I answer.
This statement however, was not how the first presidential debate of this year went and some might even say the vice president debate fell under the same category of not answering the questions directly.
The first debate was between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden on Sept. 29. It was described as childish from both sides, where neither of them were answering questions or waiting for their turn to talk. Nobody waiting for their turn is childish and this led to both candidates forcefully talking over each other. Moderator, Chris Wallace, was constantly disrespected throughout the entire debate. Wallace was interrupted by each candidate when asking the candidates to stop talking over each other or informing them that their time was up for that question. Even with the disrespect, Wallace helped decide the topics for the first debate which included: The Supreme Court, COVID-19, racial issues, the economy, each candidate’s records and the election’s integrity.
Senior Brynna Crump described the presidential debate as an absolute trainwreck. “It was not very respectful on either side and not much was accomplished other than stirring up anger. A highlight was for sure any good political discourse that was achieved, although not many moments can be called such. A lowlight was definitely Biden telling Trump to shut up, or any one of the rude remarks from Trump,” said Crump.
The vice presidential debate proved to be a little smoother, between vice president Mike Pence and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris on Oct. 7. The moderator for this debate was Susan Page but instead of being interrupted she actually got the candidates to stop talking over each other. Even during this debate neither of the candidates answered the questions properly, talking about what they wanted to address, not what the moderator asked them to address.
Sophomore Tessa Cruise, agreed with the debates being very childish, leaving many questions with off topic answers. “I think the debates went horribly. It was childish from every side with the interruptions and off-topic answers. The vice presidential debate was easier to watch as the moderator did a little more to stop them speaking over each other. The presidential debate was too chaotic,” said Cruise.
But regardless of what happened during each debate nothing can be done. The election will still go on, whether the debates affect it or not. Senior Olivia Jagielo, agrees. “Honestly, I feel like the debates aren’t affecting the election. It just depends on your opinion and viewpoint. Some people may be completely against Trump or completely against Biden. The debates are solely for the purpose of discussing key points that each candidate discusses their opinion on. I feel like it just depends on the person,” said Jagielo.
Once the debates ended, many viewers had plenty of thinking to do about who they support now and if they still support who they did before the debates. Cruise didn’t let the debates change her opinion. “Nothing either party said changed my overall political views, but it did reinforce my idea of who I’d support in the election and with the dynamics we’ve seen so far, I don’t see many people changing their opinions after watching. That being said, it might help some people make a decision if they hadn’t before,” said Cruise.
The final presidential debate is Oct. 22 between Biden and Trump. Election day for our next president is Nov. 4.