Moore is Switching Roles and Taking on More Special Responsibilities
Senior Adam Moore and junior David Boyer hug after Moore’s emotional speech about inclusion.
Stepping back from the plate to see the bigger picture.
Senior Adam Moore turned in his jersey after accepting the role of a lifetime.
After playing baseball since he was 10 years old, Moore decided to hang up his helmet senior year. The only thing he regrets about his decision is not setting an example sooner. Moore is one of the leaders within the Project Unify Club and is looking into internship opportunities.
Baseball allowed Moore to create an outlet in order to express himself. Moore laced up his cleats seven years ago when his parents signed him up for the Mt. Washington Youth Baseball and Softball League, flash forward four years and Moore found himself on the high school baseball team. Baseball plays a huge role in Moore’s family, his father Eric Moore has been a coach on the baseball team for six years and his older brother Jacob Moore also played baseball for Bullitt East before graduating in 2015.
This year Moore decided to leave his position in order to pursue an internship with Special Olympics. “This internship just sets me up perfectly for what I want to do in my future career,” said Moore. Chasing his dream of a future career at North America Special Olympics, Moore hopes that this internship will give him insight into how the company operates and an inside look at the real progress that is being made.
At the surface, Moore seems like every other student. He enjoys playing baseball, cooking and being with his friends, but beneath all that, Moore strives to ensure that no one is left out through inclusivity in school. Until he received the Heart of Bullitt East award, Moore was typically unnoticed by other students. “I had no idea who Adam was much less the impact he has had on our school,” said sophomore Mason Roach.
It’s safe to say Moore isn’t your average student, he devotes himself to helping others and ensuring a safe and positive environment for all. He can usually be found in room 107 where he constantly tries to uplift others and inspire positive change. Outside of school, he attends various events including Special Olympics sports, UPS Plane Pulls and the Polar Plunge to support his fellow classmates.
Moore has a huge involvement within the Project Unify Club. As one of the leaders of the Youth Activation Community (Y.A.C.), he creates and leads each meeting that is held towards the end of each month.
Project Unify Club is dedicated to supporting students with a vast range of disabilities. This year they have seen such a large increase in members, that they are now one of the largest clubs in the school.
Over the past few months, Moore met with Superintendent Jesse Bacon in order to implement a district-wide awareness week. “I feel like there’s a need to educate and promote inclusion for all intellectual disabilities, especially in other schools that don’t even come close to the inclusivity we have,” said Moore. Currently Bullitt East is the only school in Bullitt County that has an annual week in which all students celebrate different types of disabilities.
This past fall, Moore traveled to Chicago alongside David Boyer and ECE Teacher Tiffany Darnell to attend the Unified Champion Schools Summit where Moore presented his district-wide awareness week idea and received a 500 dollar grant in order to jump-start this project.
Moore hopes to create an environment where all feel welcomed, loved and able to find a life full of positivity. “All I can ask is for them to get involved, there’s so much more to life if we can all go through it together,” said Moore.
Although Moore will be graduating this spring, he has left an impact that will last a lifetime.