The Boys Golf Team Celebrates A Successful Year
Senior Aiden Robison handing the “Region 5 Coach of the Year” award to Coach Kyle Downs. During Robison’s speech, he pulled out a gift bag, with an award for Downs being named the “Coach of the Year,” from their regionals match. “I didn’t do anything different this year than I did in any other past years. You know, you win awards, and you don’t win awards, and it’s always nice to win it, but it’s not something that I look forth, at the beginning of the year,” said Downs, “It’s cool to get it, I’ve gotten it twice. You know, I’m two time defending FBLA Region Adviser of the Year, and you know, they’re cool to get; to get awards and stuff like that, it means that you’re kind of doing a good job, but it also means that you have good people around you, you have good players, you have good support, and at the end of the day, it’s an award, and it’s nice to have, but, you know it’s not about me, it’s about the kids, and as long as they’re being successful, then I’ll be fine whether I get one of those, or not.”
The boys golf banquet was a hole-in-one for everyone involved.
The boys golf team held their banquet, for their season, Dec. 9, and celebrated all their accomplishments throughout this year.
Everybody that was part of the boys golf team got awards. Senior Aiden Robison stood up, and gave a speech to his team, the rest of the families, and his coach, thanking them for such a great high school boys golf career. Coach Kyle Downs enjoyed getting to meet all the families of all the golfers.
Every golfer, except two, was able to show up to the banquet. That includes: senior Aaron Hollar, senior Aiden Robison, sophomore Austin Hale, freshman Christian Adkins, junior Gavin Coffman, senior Jason Clark, sophomore Johnathan Compton, seventh grader Joshua Clark, freshman Kyle Schuler, junior Thomas Bryan, and sophomore William Blake.
Each golfer won a badge, in the shape of an uppercase ‘E,’ with “Bullitt” running down the side, and with red and gold colors. Although, Robison won an even bigger award, along with that; he won the “Mr. Charger Golf” award. Every year, one of the golfers get this award, and after being on the team since fifth grade, Robison was able to get the award. “Winning Mr. Charger Golf, it’s just pretty cool to be able to be getting that, after being on this team so long, and just to be recognized by Downs is a good feeling,” said Robison, “I’m just glad I was able to represent them, and then be able to win this.”
Before recognizing the golfers, sophomore Brodie Cursinger was recognized by Downs. He got a card, along with a gift card. He did this, in honor of him writing and covering boys golf this year, and for all that he had done.
Downs had a fun time meeting new people, and celebrating their season. The banquet only lasted about an hour, with the first 15 minutes being eating pizza. The golf team had usually been larger the past years, and so that is why it took such a small amount of time, according to Downs.
Although, with that short time period, old friends became friends with new friends, and lots of families were able to meet each other. “It’s a chance for the families to all get together, and it’s not just a couple of people in the family, but the entire families are here. Brothers, sisters, things like that,” said Downs.
Downs believes that they were able to have a great celebration, with how great their season was. “You get to celebrate, and it’s always fun to celebrate, and kind of take a little while to step back, and realize what you have accomplished before you move forward,” said Downs, “This team bought in better than a lot of the teams that we’ve had, as far as all five people. You know, coming together, and playing well; they improved a whole lot more than we have. And some of that is from where we started, but some of that is just that they worked hard, and they were able to get better. So, it’s always a successful season. It’s just a matter of how successful is it.”
With it being Robison’s last banquet that he will ever be a part of, like last year’s banquet, he stood up and gave a small around five minute speech. During that speech, he would thank many of his golfing friends, that he’s made over the years, and he would also thank his mom, for raising him as such a good mother. He would also, of course, thank his coach of ever since he was in fifth grade, Downs.
Robison gave Downs an award, for being named the “Region 5 Coach of the Year,” from their regionals tournament. All coaches at the regionals match would vote on a coach, that was there, and Downs got to be the number one person out of all of those schools, according to the other’s school’s votes.
Robison talked about how successful of a year it was as well. He might’ve wanted to redo the season for better scores, but not to change any of the memories that he’s made, but he would definitely not go back and redo any of his high school boys golf career. “I mean, yeah, I would probably would, just to get better scores, but not for, I wouldn’t trade any of the memories I’ve made this season, for anything,” said Robison, “I think I made some pretty good memories. So, I’m pretty content with how things went.”