The Lost Art of Art
“Through the Eyes of the Artist,” drawn by senior Danny Cecil.
Dying art equals a dying culture.
In a school flourished by state championship cheerleaders, elite basketball alumni and a thriving football team, there’s hidden talents lurking beyond in the halls of Bullitt East.
In recent years, art has failed to meet the curriculum and overall core requirements for what makes a successful high school graduate, but why is that? Art can be branched out in a lot of different ways. It can be through drawing, photography, singing and even acting. Time and time again it’s been seen as a successful way to make a living and an outlet to put our creative brains to the test in a world lacking in authenticity.
Among the halls of unknown talents is senior Danny Cecil, who uses his innovative and authentic drawing to “Wow” not only himself, but others as well.
“I like seeing the reaction I get out of people. Creating visual art that is edgy and unknown to the world is my specialty, the positive reactions are just a bonus,” said Cecil.
Many students like Danny acknowledge the power that art can do to get you out of your own personal comfort zone and the impact it still has in our school system.
“There’s always that one kid in the classroom that can’t figure out how to draw anything other than stick figures. But then there’s the kid that has the knack for creativity and can draw like a pro. One could benefit a lot from the other,” said Cecil.
Senior Devon Price uses her artistic vision through her theater performance, which she says has changed her life for the better.
“The idea of being judged has to breeze past your mind. People nowadays seem to be uncultured about the dedication and time artists put themselves through,” said Price.
Every artist has someone or something they feel influenced by. For many, the person that’s shaped students into successful artists in their own field is English teacher Jason G. Kelty, who uses his unique teaching style to influence the next generation of creators.
“I often learn from students more than I inform students. The talent spectrum at Bullitt East is immense and yet underdeveloped in part to the limited, overlooked opportunity students have,” said Kelty.
For as accomplished as he feels as a teacher, Kelty acknowledges the under utilization of fine arts and lack of understanding for its importance.
“Our students’ interpersonal skills, creativity, collaboration, problem-solving—the essential life skills found in comprehensive community and individuals—remains rudimentary and underdeveloped. Creative individuals have the potential to create new solutions to conventional and cutting edge questions and are our future inventors, entrepreneurs, complex problem-solvers, macroeconomic philosophers.”
Fine and performing arts are high-priority in the real world, they are integral to our community and economy. Our public students need more instruction and development via the arts, and more fine arts majors. With developing talent like this, the opportunities are endless.