Bell Accepts Zoneton Middle School’s Principal Position
Bell with the administrators and other co-workers on graduation. Bell has developed good relationships with everyone at Bullitt East High School. “For sure going to miss all the relationships I have developed here. They are family to me,” said Bell.
Assistant Principal Cynthia Bell has accepted the principal position at Zoneton Middle School, her official first day at Zoneton will be Feb. 1, however, there may be overlap days prior to then.
Bell had to go through a lot of tough decisions throughout this process. She had to consider what she was giving up but also what she was gaining. “My decision was very hard considering everything I have here. All the relationships I have built throughout my career. But I had to consider what was the best interest for me,” said Bell.
During this process Bell was considering what was going to be the best for her and her family. “All throughout my teaching career I have always been a middle school girl, so when this position opened up I knew it was right for me to take it. My humor is on a middle school level also,” said Bell.
The age groups Bell will be working with are different, but she sees the potential in how she can impact them. “I’m looking forward to impacting their future. Most kids in middle school don’t know what they want to do. I want to guide them in the right direction and that’s why I want to impact their lives,” said Bell.
The last week of January will be the last week that Bell has here at Bullitt East. “I’m going to miss everything about Bullitt East. The relationships I have built with the faculty and staff and the kids here. Everyone here has impacted me in some way shape or form,” said Bell.