Houses For the Holidays
The choir sings at the houses for the holidays. They sang Christmas carols along with Project Unify.
The Christmas activities have finally started.
The annual houses for the holidays assembly was held this past Friday with plenty of spirit to go around.
As usual, there were several events that the different grade levels participated in. These events include the ugly Christmas sweater contest, musical chairs, human gift wrapping contest, Buddy the elf’s bowl eating contest and the marshmallow relay.
There were plenty of ugly sweaters to go around at this years fashion show. The contestants were wearing lights, onesies, trees and just about anything else. The crowd proved to be responsive to the comments that teachers Nate Fulghum and Mike Brangers made and clapped while the contestants walked around the gym.
The first competition was the human gift wrapping that includes two students from every grade level. In this contest, one of them will take wrapping paper and try to wrap up their partner as neatly as possible, then once the time is up the crowd, decides the winner. It was a close race between the juniors and seniors, but at the end the senior class took home the win with DJ Chappell and Matt Brown.
The next was a game of musical chairs. As all these games go, it was intense to say the least. With the students doing everything they can to get a seat in a chair it was really competitive, especially between the juniors and seniors. The junior class picked up the win in this competition.
The next game wasn’t so tasty for participants. In theclassic Christmas movie “Elf”, Buddy enjoyed a sweet meal of spaghetti, syrup, pop tarts and various other ingredients. With their hands tied behind their back, the goal was for participants to eat their whole bowl of sweetness before anyone else could. The seniors snuck away with the victory in this.
The marshmallow relay race concluded this year’s houses for the holidays. In this game students would hold a spoon in their mouth while balancing a marshmallow on it. The goal was to keep the marshmallow in the spoon while they ran down to the other end where one partner would be, and then dropped the marshmallow in their partner’s spoon. The first pair to go up and back while keeping the marshmallow on the spoon wins, but you can’t let it drop or you’d have to start all over.

misty • Mar 20, 2019 at 5:08 pm
I was in it