Cross-Country Ends Season With Quality Runs
Freshman Mia Maguire and Sophomore Emily Tinelli are running into the next cross-country season.
Cross-country runners are completing their last two runs of the season.
As the cross-country season comes to a quick finish, runners push to do their best at region and state competitions.
Closing the season with a good team effort, members work toward perfecting their times. Many runners keep up consistent times in both races, ending the season on a good note. As many senior complete their last few runs of their high school cross-country careers, they begin to reflect their time on the team.
On Oct. 27, the cross-country team traveled to Louisville, Kentucky to compete in the KHSAA Region 3 Class AAA meet at Seneca Park.
Top boy on the team to place at region was freshman Dalton Lesher ending his run in tenth place out of 70 runners. Lesher completed his 5k run with a clock time of 16:52.01. Next on the team was freshman Isaiah Malone in place 33 with a clock time of 18:36.03. Right behind in place 34 was sophomore Logan Gentry with a time of 18:36.08. Then was senior Cole Davenport in place 37, ending his run in 18:47.89. Close behind in place 38 was senior Blake Hourigan with a time of 18:52.50. Then was sophomore Zach Ballard in place 41 with a clock time of 19:15.14. Freshman Jack Sappenfield ended his run with a time of 19:26.52 in place 44.
Overall, the boys team placed sixth with an average clock time of 18:20. Placing in top ten gave East a spot at the state competition.
Top girl on the team to place in Region was Freshman Mia MaGuire ending her run with a clock time of 20:58.11, landing her seventh place out of 54 total runners. Next on the team was seventh-grader Emma Lesher in place 14 with a clock time of 21:50.81. Sophomore Emily Tinelli completed her run with a clock time of 21:57.92 in place 16. Right behind in place 17 was freshman Emma Egan with a time of 21:58.18. Eighth-grader Raelee Hawkins ended her 5k run with a time of 22:09.20 in place 19. Next on the team was senior Lindsey Spencer in place 27 with a time of 23:24.45. Then was senior Abigail Clarkson in place 31 with a clock time of 24:48.17.
Overall, the girls team placed second with an average time of 21:46. This score also gave the girls team a chance to run in the KHSAA State competition.
Clarkson has been a member of the cross-country team at East for all four years of her high school career. “My favorite memory from being on the team has to be getting regional runner-up. It was something that has only been done once before and I got to do it with my amazing teammates and my best friend Lindsey Spencer by my side. It was a moment that made all of our sweat and tears worth it. It was also a way for me to thank my coaches for all the time, energy and dedication that they have put into my life, both as an athlete and in general,” said Clarkson. Over the year’s, Clarkson has made many accomplishments as she beat personal records, and competed in many races.
As her high school career comes to a close, so does her career as a cross-country runner. “I do not plan on running competitively in college. I think that my body needs a break from the stress of running competitively. I do still plan to workout and run on my own,” said Clarkson. Running competitively can be stressful, but runners still find enjoyment in the activity. It is important to stay in shape even if one is not a part of a sports team.
On Nov. 3, the team traveled to Lexington, Kentucky to compete in the KHSAA State Cross-Country Meet, hosted at the New Horse Park.
Top boy to complete his 5k was Lesher in place 37 out of 300 with a clock time of 17:08.68. Then was Malone in place 198 with a time of 18:42.75. Next on the team was Hourigan in place 227 with an end time of 19:03.20. Davenport was next ending his run with a time of 19:21.21 in place 246. Gentry ended his run in place 256 with a time of 19:29.14. Next on the team was Ballard in place 289 with a time of 19:54.03. With a clock time of 20:12.20, Sappenfield ended his run in place 289.
Overall the boys team placed 34 with an average time of 18:44.
Top girl on the team to place at the state competition was MaGuire with a clock time of 21:19.71, placing 53 out of 286 total runners. Next was Egan in place 91 with an end time of 21:48.00. Tinelli ended her run in place 98 with a clock time of 21:51.67. Then was Lesher ending her 5k with a time of 22:46.68 in place 162. Next on the team was Hawkins in place 169 with a time of 22:55.65. Spencer ended her run with a clock time of 23:46.39 in place 226. Clarkson placed 273 with a time of 25:48.29. Overall the girls team placed 21 with an average time of 22:08.
As the 2018 cross-country season comes to its quick close, members reflect on their time running on the team. Davenport has run cross-country during his sophomore, junior and senior year of high school. “I am upset to see the season come to an end because I love running especially with the people this year. The team was closer this year than ever before and it’s sad that I am not going to be running every day with them anymore,” said Davenport. Senior year is full of many lasts. Though it is sad, it is a time of reflection and remembrance of high school experiences. “My favorite memory from running XC (cross-country) would have to be both the girls and boys team making it to state together for the first time since 2012, it’s something I won’t forget,” said Davenport.
As the team crosses the finish line, they are all proud of their accomplishments. The team will begin practices for at the beginning of August next year to prepare for next season.

The boys team begin stretching before their run.