National School Lunch Week
Assistant Principal, Kari Stewart, serving students school lunch to honor National School Lunch Week. This week is celebrated every second week of October. “We love the idea of helping the lunch workers who give back to us everyday,” said Stewart.
You can never get through the day on an empty stomach.
This week, students and staff are celebrating National School Lunch Week, in honor of the people behind the lunch line who keep our students fed every day with nutritious meals.
The purpose of having this week annually to highlight the importance of school lunch and to give praise to the devoted workers that invest time in their day to provide healthy, nutritious meals to students, ensuring that they have the energy to get them through the school day. Students and staff all across the school have decided to assist the workers in the lunchroom. Wednesday, Principal Chris Mason and staff decided to lend a helping hand to the lunch staff by passing out lunches to all of the students.
When talking about the lunch staff here at school, Mason had nothing but good things to say. “These ladies work their tails off, they get here extremely early before anyone else. Something they are excellent at is communicating with our students. They feel a connection with every kid that walks through the lunch line and I couldn’t give them enough praise,” said Mason.
Senior Luke Gentry has ate school lunch every day for the last four years. He as well had nothing but positive things to say about how he’s been treated by the lunch ladies. “All of the staff deserve tons of praise. Lynn, Debbie, and Marlene are all super nice and always ask me what I’m doing this weekend. They always keep me entertained.”
Don’t think of this week as the only time you can help out the lunch staff. Show appreciation by cleaning up your trash and occasionally thanking them for the comfort they bring all over Bullitt East.