Cross-Country is Running to Meet Their Goals
Cross-country girls are jumping for the rest of their season as they hope to meet their goals.
The team is racing to the finish line to beat their personal records.
Over the weekend, the cross-country team went out of town for an overnight competition in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
On Sept. 22 the team traveled to Bowling Green to run in the Gatorland Run competition. This was a 5k run hosted by Greenwood. The boys and girls competed against 17 other teams in this competition.
Top boy on the team to place was freshman Dalton Lesher ending his run in fourth place out of 217 with a clock time of 16:49.42. Next was freshman Isaiah Malone ending in place 34 with a time of 18:12.15. Not far behind was senior Blake Hourigan in place 39 with a time of 18:17.60. Sophomore Logan Gentry ended in place 69 with a time of 19:02.15. Then was senior Cole Davenport in place 73 with a time of 19:08.02. Freshman Cody Bostock ended his run with a time of 19:38.56 with a place of 92. Next was senior Nicholas Wright ending his run in place 104 with a time of 20:06.90. Not too far behind was freshman Jack Sappenfield in place 108 with a clock time of 20:11.29. Then was sophomore Matthew Christmas in place 113 with a time of 20:22.02. Freshman Tyler Bass ended his run in place 116 with a clock time of 20.24.81.
Overall, the boys team ended with a score of 201 and ranked eighth out of 17.
The team has consistently kept up fast times so far this season. Many runners are formulating goals for what is left of the season. “My goal is to get [a time of] 16:20 and I have plans on beating my personal record, I just have to work hard, give my best and do the work that is needed,” said Lesher.
Top girl on the team was freshman Mia MaGuire as she placed fifth out of 168 with a time of 21:04.39. Right behind was eighth-grader Emma Lesher placing sixth with a clock time of 21:18.99. Freshman Emma Egan Placed 18 with a time of 21:48.40. Next was eighth-grader Raelee Hawkins placing 23 with a time of 22:08.79. Then was senior Donaire Moreno ending her run with a clock time of 23:29.50 and a place of 50. Next on the team was senior Lindsey Spencer in place 55 with a time of 23:42.50. Senior Abigail Clarkson was next in place 84 with a time of 24:50.47. Then was sophomore Jaiden Hammak in place 102 with a time of 26:02.18.
Overall, the girls team placed second out of 17 with an average time of 21:58.02.
The runners on the team are constantly working towards improving times and beating personal records. “Some of my goals for the season are to make it to state and shave break 20 minutes. I definitely plan on beating my personal record, which is 20:53. Last week I didn’t have such a good race time-wise, but it has motivated me even more to beat my record, hopefully, this weekend I can prove myself,” said MaGuire.
The team will compete next at the annual Greater Louisville competition held at the E.P. Tom Sawyer Park in Louisville, Kentucky on Sept. 29.