New Year, New Classrooms
English teacher and print publications adviser, Larry Steinmetz’s classroom.
There will be a mix up for the 2018-19 school year.
Principal Chris Mason has informed some teachers that they will be moving classrooms for the new school year.
The decision to have teachers move classrooms has some teachers upset, but some teachers excited. The discussion was made to get all subject areas together in the same hallway. The new changes will affect students and the transition will take awhile according to Mason.
Teachers will be packing up and moving classrooms this summer as they prepare for the transition that some are not looking forward too. As of May 29, all social studies classes will be moved to first hall, all math classes will be moved to second hall, all business and foreign language classes will be located upstairs and third hall will be English classes. There will no longer be a freshman academy because many freshman are now taking upperclassmen classes and Mason wants the teachers to be closer to each other. “In order to help with our professional learning communities I want to place each department in different hallways,” said Mason.
Business teacher Fay Anderson will be moving classrooms this summer. “My initial reaction was excitement because I would be working next to my fellow Business department colleagues! I am scheduled to move to Mr. Mullins’ Classroom,” said Anderson.
Not all teachers are apart of a professional learning community like agriculture, journalism, and culinary for example. This classes will be in the CCC or another room where space is available. “With Livewire I have to find a room big enough to accommodate all the kids that are in our award winning Livewire. We are going to move some things around, not a lot, like the science classes, you can’t move them because of the science labs,” said Mason.
Engineering, culinary, Family Consumer Sciences and agriculture will be in the CCC next year because of the classroom sizes. “Mr. Vincent teaches all lead the way engineering so he is kind of by himself which is more of a college and career type class so he will go to the CCC and have a little bit bigger room for his robotics and engineering,” said Mason.
Mason has reviewed the options and locations for all the classes. “One option that was looked at was for Mr. Steinmetz to take Mr. Vincent’s room. I want to put them (Livewire) in a room that is new and big. My vision is to develop a room that looks like a newsroom. You guys work hard, you’re award winners and I want to put you right in the center of our building. My intent is to make it more comfortable for the kids. I think the kids deserve something like that,” said Mason.
The changes will be a transition for not only the teachers, but the students. “It will take a while to faze it all in,” said Mason. Many teachers like English and journalism teacher, Larry Steinmetz has been in their current classroom for many years.
“I believe that the students will initially be upset and confused but with all change comes understanding. I’m sure they will appreciate knowing that they now only have to look for the Business wing or the English hall,” said Anderson.
“The sole purpose is to make us even better,” said Mason. The classroom changes are not official. By the end of the current school year Mason will have all the classroom assignments ready and teachers will be able to move.