Teacher Appreciation Week at East
Through the first full week of May, many around the school showed their appreciation for their teachers by writing letters.
Bullitt East is bringing appreciation back.
Many groups designing projects and celebrations to show their appreciation for all of the educators.
The week of May 7 through 11 is dedicated to demonstrating appreciation for teachers. Many Beta club members participated in a project that distributed letters to their teachers saying why they appreciate them. The administration also put together a week’s long celebration in honor of the educators.
During the first whole week of May, students, faculty and administration show their appreciation for their teachers.
For one of their various service projects, Beta club members were able to write letters for each of their teachers expressing their appreciation. “I wrote the letters for my teachers… because I wanted them to know how much I appreciate all that they do for me and their other students,” said sophomore Olivia Masden.
The students had a choice of giving the letters to the teachers directly or placing them in the teacher’s mailbox. “I did not give the letters to them directly, but some of my teachers told me how much they appreciated it when they saw me,” said Masden.
Not only did Beta club direct a project for this week, but the administration worked together to show their appreciation for teachers.
With an overall beach themed celebration, each day of the week had a new event coordinated. Monday included a breakfast and a hand or back massage. On Tuesday, teachers enjoyed a salad bar for lunch and on Wednesday, they were treated with dessert. On Thursday, teachers were served lunch and on Friday they were able to spend their lunch period outside while eating burgers.
Teachers were also given the chance of gift baskets and gift cards during hourly drawings on Friday.
This week was a great outlet for all those in the school to acknowledge the hard work teachers do every day. “It felt good to let my teachers know that they really do have a positive effect on their student’s lives and that they are making a difference,” said Masden. After a very successful week, many plan on showing their appreciation for their teachers again next year.