Advancing Into Stressful Exams
Around Bullitt East, students are beginning to crack open their books for AP testing time. Teachers are preparing review materials for worrisome students and everyone seems motivated to pass come test day.
The tensions are high for many dedicated students.
AP testing is right around the corner, and many are stressed for the outcome.
Official College Board testing begins on Monday, May 7. Students are avidly preparing, and they’re now beginning to realize just how close these tests are approaching. AP teachers have high hopes for their students after a year of learning.
Advanced Placement courses and testing are ran by the official College Board. Every year, testing takes place during the month of May.
Tests range from one hour to multiple hours. They include multiple choice, writing, and even verbal portions for language exams.
Many students at Bullitt East enroll in AP classes each year with the hopes of quickly paced learning, earning college credit, and getting a higher GPA in the process.
There are many AP classes currently offered here at Bullitt East, and among those include U.S. History, Psychology, Chemistry and more.
“There is a lot of work required, especially come test time,” said sophomore Zak Perdew. He has taken two AP classes, Human Geography and World History, over his freshman and sophomore years.
“There were a lot of ups and downs this year in World Civ,” said sophomore Beth Woods. Woods noted that there was so much content that studying for this exam is proving to be difficult. She is hoping for a passing score, but won’t be too upset if she doesn’t get that.
“My Human Geography class was much more organized, but also much more boring content wise,” said Woods. She passed with a score of three, after weeks of dedicated studying.
Sophomore Cameron Payne agrees. “It was a lot of time, work, and dedication,” said Payne. But he still plans to continue with U.S. history next year. Payne also has high hopes that he’ll pass the exam. “I’ve been trying to study 15 to 30 minutes a night,” said Payne.
There are so many ways to study for exams. This can include studying notes, taking online quizzes, or buying exam prep books.
“My favorite prep book brand is Kaplan; my class used that to study for the Human Geography exam, and I definitely think that helped me to pass,” said Woods.
Sophomore Carson Armstrong took his first AP class this year: Environmental Science. He’s a little weary about passing the exam, but Mr. Hughes, the teacher for this class, is adamant about aiding his students in the study process. “He’s giving us review packets that cover all the material; I think it will be really helpful,” said Armstrong.
Larry Steinmetz, one of the AP English Language and Composition (better known as english three) teachers, feels really confident about his students going into the exam. “They’re really, really good, the strongest group I’ve had in a couple of years,” said Steinmetz.
According to, the average score for Language and Composition is only a 2.77, but Steinmetz is still optimistic. “I see many people scoring a three, and I think I have three or four students now that could score a four or five,” said Steinmetz.
Sarah Akridge, AP psychology teacher, is optimistic as well. “I think I’ve had one of the strongest group of students to sign up to take the exam than I have in a while,” said Akridge.
Every year Akridge makes a review folder to help students prepare, and does different review games and activities in class. “There’s a really good opportunity for these students to pass as long as they put the work in,” said Akridge.
Advanced Placement exams will take place from May 7 to May 18. Scores for these exams will be released in mid-July.