The Power of Women
Many history books undermine the importance of women in the worlds past, or highlight their sometimes small roles in the community. In ancient Africa, however, women often held high powers in their communities, and led their towns.
It’s a month of women and celebration.
March marks a month long period of awareness of women and women’s history in the world.
Women’s History Month begins in March. Many spend this month reflecting on powerful women in the past; people who laid the foundation for many future events. Locally, many people are reflecting on the influential women in their own life.
Women’s History Month originally began as Women’s History Week. The Education Task Force of the Sonoma County (California) Commission on the Status of Women decided in the 1970’s that women weren’t learned about enough in school. To combat this, they created Women’s History Week, the week of March 8.
By 1986, 14 states had come to declare March Women’s History Month. Because of this, congress had nationally declared March to be an official Women’s History Month by 1987.
Nationally, social media is swarming with celebration for the month. Popular news sources have posted articles about the month; Newsweek posting an article with some popular quotes from powerful women. Forbes also posted an article about the importance of having women in STEM. The New York Times also has an ongoing article about different aspects of the month.
Apps like Spotify have also created playlists for this month. They feature important and influential women of each genre: Nicki Minaj, St. Vincent, Stevie Nicks and so on.
Television networks also took their own form of stand for the month. For International Women’s Day, on March 8, the network Freeform bleeped out anytime a women said “sorry” on one of their shows.
However, some are meeting this month with a different perspective in mind. Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, decided to introduce a segment for the month of March on “Male Empowerment.”
“If there’s a men’s history segment, then there should also be a women’s history segment, especially this month,” said junior Eve Barto. Carlson’s segment will air every Wednesday.
Locally, men and women are taking the time to honor the ladies in their life.
Many were happy to dedicate this month to family, like moms and grandmas. “My mom is a big role model in my life,” said sophomore Jonathon Maros.
Students also took to social media to post about some influential figures for the day. Freshman Molly Shannon posted to Instagram on March 8 about people like Malala Yousafzai, Michelle Obama, and Ellen Degeneres. Her caption featured a quote from Michelle Obama and she went on to say some inspiring words about the potential of all women.
Family in the Mount Washington Community also reflected on their mother’s influence in their life. Mom Nicole Wright has especially seen this throughout the process of becoming a new parent. “When I became a mom myself it was like a light bulb that went off, a “ah ha” moment, a flood of emotions towards my mom and what she meant to me,” said Wright. She went on to note how she sees things in such a different light now that she is a mom herself.
Lots also shared pictures of their girlfriends in their life to social media, thanking them for their friendship. Sophomore Devon Price shared a kind post to her Instagram on March 8, celebrating some of her friendships “Happy International Women’s Day to some of my favorite women who never fail to make my day,” said Price in her caption.