Students are Eager to Dance the Night Away
Prom tickets began selling this week. They will stop selling March 9.
The rush begins.
When prom season comes around, it seems as if everyone is in a hurry.
Prom tickets go on sale starting Feb. 6. A lot of students already have bought their dresses, while other are rushing to find one. To some people, prom season brings fun, but also stress.
Many people look forward to prom each year, while others may be frazzled about finding a dress, finding a prom group or even finding a date. Prom is a very enjoyable time during ones high school career.
Even though prom can be fun, there can be stress involved when preparing for a memorable night. “Prom can be stressful to find and make your groups. You don’t want your group to be too big but you want all your friends in your group. But then you have to make sure everyone gets along. Finding the perfect dress is also very hard because you might like a dress and someone else already has it so you don’t want to match,” said junior Allie Rae Thompson.
Prom is on March 24 at the Ramada in Louisville. Each year, the prom committee gets together to plan a spectacular prom for the students. There is usually a set theme, last year the theme was enchanted forest, this year, the theme will be around the world. “This year we’re trying to make theme that, as far as we know, hasn’t been done before and making sure that our decorations are fun and prom in general is super exciting for those that go,” said senior Laynie Carney, a member of prom committee.
Since prom tickets are going on sale, juniors and seniors are allowed to purchase them, while younger classmen cannot. In order for freshman and sophomores to be able to go, they have to have an upperclassmen purchase their ticket.
Prom is a way to make memories with your friends. The prom tickets will continue to be on sale during lunch. The tickets will stop selling on March 9. Buy your ticket before they raise the price.