The Need for Water
Africans in desperate need of water.
The fight for water is crucial.
In Cape Town, South Africa, there is a major need for water.
Cape Town is a very popular town in Africa. Many tourists enjoy visiting there for several different reasons. With many people in the area, a water shortage is a tremendously big problem.
Taps are water lines in which water is transported through. Cape Town is expecting no more water to go through the taps in a few months due to the shortage of water. The marked day for when the taps run dry was April 22. But, the water shortage has been getting worse. Unfortunately, the date has been moved up to April 12. This day will be very difficult and frightening in Cape Town.
Some may ask, what causes a water shortage? It can be caused by many different reasons. It could be from active climate change, overpopulation, past droughts or polluted water.
This issue has many downsides, such as, the residents are limited to about 90 seconds for each shower and toilets are only able to flush from leftover bath water. The town has certain ways they do things in order to savor their limited water.
The water shortage is a huge worry for most people because life without water would be very tough to perform a normal daily routine; considering people have to take showers, flush toilets, drink and cook. A water shortage can also cause varieties of diseases, hunger, poverty and sanitation problems.
Cape Town, Africa is struggling and hopefully other towns are willing to help them out.