The Start of the Winter Season
A picture from last winter.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
As the final months of 2017 close in and the beginning of 2018 approaches, the possibility of snow days are put in the spotlight.
This winter season is planned to be warmer-than-usual. A majority of students enjoy snow days, but not everyone. In order to prepare for the winter weather, there are steps you can take before and after the snow.
A warmer-than-usual winter, however, does not eliminate chances of snow. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Louisville can expect the most snow towards the middle of December, the beginning of February and the middle of March. Proceeding the overall warm winter, we should also expect a rainy summer with hotter-than-usual temperatures.
On a poll conducted on the Livewire’s twitter (@belivewire), 78 percent of voters reportedly enjoy snow days and the other 22 percent do not.
Sophomores Clay Prechtel and Madelyn Gibson both enjoy snow days. Prechtel said, “At my dad’s house we tie a sled to the back of the four wheeler and pull each other and it’s so much fun.”
Gibson feels that snow makes it feel a lot more like Christmas, which she loves. “On snow days, I usually go to a friends house and we hang out and play in the snow,” said Gibson.
Sophomore Elizabeth Smith said, “I only want to have a couple snow days here and there. On snow days I usually do nothing, eat food, watch Netflix and maybe hang out with friends.”
Junior Chandani Patel, who often finds herself waking up and hoping for a snow day during this season, said, “I’m not sure why people wouldn’t like snow days, I guess they actually like coming to school and would rather not miss.”
Being outside in below freezing temperatures can be dangerous. In order to prevent getting frostbite you should plan to cover up in layers, go inside periodically to warm up and if your clothes or foot wear get wet while in the snow, change them instantly.