Students Work Hard to Prepare for Midterms
Midterm exam study guides
Holly jolly midterms, the worst time of the year.
The final weeks leading up to holiday break can be very stressful for students and even teachers.
Preparing for midterms before Christmas break is always a demanding task to take on. It is important for students to study and pay attention in the very last weeks before break to ensure that they are most prepared for the tests as possible. Teachers and administration work around the clock to make sure students have all of the knowledge that is needed to pass the midterm exams.
Sophomore Brianna Tipton says that the only thing to do to get ready for midterms is study over everything. “I look through all my notes and old tests and homework and go over everything I possibly can,” said Tipton. Students have to take the all of the tests in three days and only have a certain amount of time to finish each one. This can be super stressful for many people. “I feel like I don’t have enough time to finish it and I get stressed out,” said Tipton. Tipton’s teachers are helping out by reviewing earlier content from throughout the school year so far. Tipton says that making notecards and being very studious during the time of midterms is the only thing to do to try and be as successful as possible.
Freshman Bryce Clements is studying extra hard to ensure readiness for his exams next week. “I am studying extremely hard and looking over everything twice because I know this can mean a lot to my grade,” said Clements. The stress level of exams, especially midterms and finals, in middle school and high school is completely different. “The most stressful part is knowing that 20 percent of what you get on that test affects your grade,” said Clements. Being 100 percent prepared for midterms can be very hard on both students and teachers. Clements says that some of his teachers have prepared him very well for the exams, while others have not.
Exams before Christmas break can be pure agony, it is always important to go over everything so that it’s possible to be as well prepared for the tests as possible. Studying, studying and more studying is the best thing to do get ready for the end of the semester exams. The midterm schedule that is set in place for this year is different than it has been in the past. Students will only have 50 minutes to complete each final taken which has also led to lots of stress. Regardless of the schedule, students still have to work hard and prepare for the midterms.