Natural Disasters and God’s Return

Christians claim that the bible is proof God is returning.
Talk of the Christian God’s return is swirling around like a hurricane.
People all around the world can’t help but notice connections between verses in the Bible/the story of the Christian God coming back to earth and the recent natural disasters.
Verses in the Bible are relating to what’s happening in the world right now. So many natural disasters are happening all at once in the world. Some people wonder if there is a point in donating time or money if all of this is just a sign of God’s return.
With hurricane Harvey in Texas, Irma in Florida, Jose in the working, a category 4.2 earthquake in Idaho and wildfires in multiple states in the U.S., it’s hard to explain why they would all happen at once.
Twitter users have blown up feed with viral tweets showing evidence that God is returning. The question is whether these people are actually trying to spread the word and make people aware or trying to get attention. “People throughout history have predicted the end of time, destruction of the world, etc. It’s my opinion that it’s not happening anytime soon and most people proclaiming that it is are like the ‘resounding gongs’ of ancient times… just making noise to get noticed,” said teacher Doug Osborne.
One thing that has a lot of people talking is the verse, Luke 21: 25-26. When you google 21, 25, 26 this verse comes up. It talks about signs in the sun and the moon, and roaring of the seas as an indication of God returning. The solar eclipse occurred on the 21 and hurricane Harvey was on the 25 and 26. “I know the bible says there will be natural disasters in the end times, but it also says the none of us will know when the end comes,” said Deborah Turner.
Twitter users have blown up the media with these kinds of things. People have taken it in a joking way whereas others are taking it a little more seriously.
Some people say that crazy things have always been going on in the world. It is just that now the media has made it more aware to everyone. “We can communicate more now than we have before. To some extent this has to be true,” said Turner.
The question has been raised that if all the hurricanes, fires and earthquakes going are just signs of God coming back to earth, is there a need to donate or help the victims? “People who claim a God of love then treat fellow humans with disdain, contempt, hatred – all things opposite of love – are not true followers of a God of love,” said Osborne. Although others believe that there is no need to do anything to help, because of their belief in God’s return.