2.23.15 So about this blog stuff
by: Larry Steinmetz
For the last two years, since I stepped away from writing the opening letter in the magazine, I have missed writing. I absolutely love the power of journalism and the way you connect with an audience. With the growth of our school, that power has never been more important than it is now.
When I came to Bullitt East, we hovered around 650 students. I knew everyone. Not only that, I had probably had a conversation with each person in the school. It helped that each student had one of the two Steinmetz’s for English class.
Now we are a bustling metropolis with 1500 or so. The next freshman class will likely have 400 students. Gone are the days when I could say that I knew every student in the school. I’m more likely to tap a teacher on the shoulder during graduation and ask, “Who is that? I think I’ve seen her before.”
Journalism helps bridge that gap. It gives a voice to individual people within a broader audience. It helps you get to know people within your school that you ordinarily would not. To interact without the face to face that so many of you dread.
The problem is that while you get to know the topics that our journalists cover, you rarely get to know them.
In an effort to help forge that connection, our writers are each starting a blog this semester. They will write a few times a month about a topic that they choose. Granted you may care about some topics more than others, but hopefully you will connect with at least one.
Each of our staffers is working on carving out a niche and I’m really excited for them to share with you. In my dream, I would love for them to be as interactive as possible. So go ahead, challenge them, and ask them questions. Find out what’s out there.
I realize that is a stretch. As a school we don’t always interact with one another, but in the end, we want you. And remember, we are always looking to diversify our staff. So stop by room 324 if you want in.
As for my blog, I don’t know exactly what I’m going to cover. I only know that it will be epic. I think it will be geared toward trends in education and world events. Those that know me know I rarely stick to my plan though, so be prepared to see whatever comes.
Regardless, it will be fun. Thanks for sharing in the adventure and if you see me around, be sure to tell me who your favorite blogger is.