Orchestration of a postseason masterpiece
The Bullitt East marching band has come a long way these past several years, making progress within the team along with talent.
As the season closes, people can take time to reflect on the accomplishments of marching band, and what they’ve excelled in this season. Even glimpses of what lies ahead for marching band can already be seen, along with the people who could be leading next year.
“This year was the best we’ve done since Novak has been here,” Emma Walker said, a junior drum major for Bullitt Easts Marching band.
Bullitt East’s marching band has come especially far regarding progress and skill this year. Their team spirit and countless practices have led them to break their highest score and place second in the South Old Homes competition. “It was just a really good season, number-wise,” Walker said.
“There’s always going to be things that we can do better,” Keatin Roach said, a senior trumpeter. Regardless of the great accomplishments, marching band always strives to be better in any way it can. “We had a lot of people who wanted us to improve. I think a big weakness we had was some of the rookies just didn’t quite understand why we wanted it so bad. So getting them to understand that was a big thing.” Walker said
“I think we’ll do even better than we did this year,” Noah Atkinson said, a junior baritone player. Atkinson is confident that next year will be another great one for the marching band’s reputation, as long as people continue to put the work in.
“I think it’ll be the juniors. They’ve really stepped up this year,” Roach said. For the future of marching band, roach believes the juniors are the ones who will step up to lead the team, taking the senior’s places. They already have the preparation they need to fill the leadership roles. “I mean, there’s always going to be a change, because you’re losing part with this team. But next year’s team will be just as good as this year because new people will step up.” Roach said.